Home News Pubblicate le Liste italiane all-time outdoor
Pubblicate le Liste italiane all-time outdoor PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 12 January 2010 16:22
L'ATLETICA LEGGERA IN ITALIA -  I migliori  atleti e atlete di ogni tempo - edizione 2009 - L'ATLETICA LEGGERA IN ITALIA - I migliori atleti e atlete di ogni tempo - edizione 2009 -
di Raul Leoni, Enzo Sabbadin
The Italian outdoor all-time Lists updated as at 31 December 2008 for all the men and women events, including more than 100 non-Olympic events. The CD-Rom gives, in PDF format, the 200 male and female Best Performances of All Time, completed by the 200 (male) and 100 (female) Best Performers of All Time. The results include all the important details (wind, altitude, date of birth, tallness and weight of the athletes etc...).



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EUROPE: euro 20 (15 + 5 postage), ASAI members 15, cash to Gustavo Pallicca - Piazza Card. Elia Dalla Costa, 1 - 50126 Firenze - Italy
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Last Updated on Thursday, 14 April 2011 13:28